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The Fioravante lab was established at the Center for Neuroscience in 2015. Being a part of the CNS, we benefit from collaborations and interactions with more than twenty other neuroscience research groups in areas ranging from molecular and developmental neurobiology to celllular, systems and cognitive neuroscience. We also have access to cutting-edge imaging facilities, sequencing facilities at the state-of-the-art UC Davis Genome Center and top-notch rodent behavior cores. 

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Examples of ongoing projects

1. Cerebellar regulation of motivated behavior

The cerebellum processes reward and punishment signals, but how are these signals shaped, communicated and used to control motivated behavior?


Using in vivo large-scale recordings and optogenetics, we described for the first time the functional connectivity between the cerebellum and nucleus accumbens, an important control center for motivated behavior, through the VTA and thalamus.

eLife, In Press

2. Prediction and valence regulation in emotional learning

Damage to the cerebellum leads to blunted affect and fear dysregulation. We use mouse models to gain insights into how the cerebellum modulates emotional processing. 

Jung et al_Fig 6.png

Using viral tracing approaches and slice optophysiology, we provided the missing link between the cerebellum and the limbic system, which could explain cerebellar modulation of affective processing.

3. Autism, intellectual disability and the cerebellum


With the emerging understanding that the cerebellum plays a critical role in higher order brain function and that perturbed cerebellar functioning can lead to autism- and intellectual disability-relevant phenotypes, there is strong justification and need for focus on cerebellar dysfunction in autism animal models.

Our sponsors


Our work has been supported by the National Science Foundation, the National Institute of Mental Health, the Brain Research Foundation, the Brain and Behavior Research Foundation (NARSAD), the Hellman Fellows Fund, the Whitehall Foundation, and the Behavioral Health Center of Excellence.


Principle Investigator:

Diasynou Fioravante, PhD

Associate Professor 

Dept. of Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior

Core Faculty, Center for Neuroscience

Affiliate Faculty, Institute for Psychedelics and Neurotherapeutics

Affiliate Faculty, Center for Neuroengineering and Medicine

Member, Neuroscience Graduate Group

Member, Biomedical Engineering Graduate Group


Mailing/Shipping Address: 

Diasynou Fioravante

UC Davis Center for Neuroscience

Med Neuro Building 409/605/609

1544 Newton Court

Davis, CA 95618


Lab: (530) 754 7382

Office: (530) 752 1887

email: dfioravante at ucdavis dot edu

Pronouns: she/her/hers

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